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The new range of Marshall amps have just arrived and sound absolutely amazing! We are amazed by the ‘Tone for Money’ Please come in to the shop to try them out for yourself as “hearing is believing”.


LINE 6!!!

We are excited to announce that we are now a Line 6 main dealer! These amps are fantastic!  We have everything from the POD & BackTrack to the Spider Jam & Bass amps! For more information and a demonstration of the Spider Jam, pop into the shop any time.  This actually allows you to jam along with famous session musicians whilst giving you a really good practice session! Of course, in true Line 6 style… it does much, much more!



Just arrived!

Since Gibson & Epiphone are massively overrated, overpriced and as rare as hen’s teeth, why part with so much cash to get…. well, just a logo on a headstock!?!?!? These Tokai guitars have been collected for years as many true collectors believe that they are closer to ‘The Real’ Gibson Les Paul’s of the late 1950’s.

For Gibson quality, at less than Epiphone prices, come into the shop on Nantwich Road in Crewe to check out our latest stock of awesome guitars and amplifiers! 



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